Every four years, the Pennsylvania Department of Aging (PDA) is required by both state and federal law to develop and submit a “State Plan on Aging” to the federal government. The Plan is required for Pennsylvania to receive federal funds under the Older Americans Act.
The four year plan is intended to provide a vision and direction for Pennsylvania’s network of aging services and to help structure the Department’s priorities. A draft of the 2016-2020 Pennsylvania State Plan on Aging is now available to the public for review and comment. You can find the draft plan on the Department’s website here.
The PDA will hold public hearings during May in Harrisburg, Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh to obtain public input on the plan. Further information on the public hearings is provided below.
The Draft Plan establishes 4 major goals:
Goal 1: Promote existing services.
Goal 2: Improve access to services.
Goal 3: Enhance quality of services.
Goal 4: Empower the workforce.
The final plan will be submitted to the federal Administration for Community Living later this year. This plan will be effective from October 1, 2016 through September 30, 2020.
Information on Public Hearings
The public hearings provide an opportunity for stakeholders to submit formal feedback on the Draft 2016-2020 State Plan on Aging. Here is the date, location and time of each of the three public hearing.
- May 18 – Allegheny County, Allegheny County AAA, 2100 Wharton St., 2nd Floor Conference Room, Pittsburgh, PA 15203, 10:00 A.M. to Noon
- May 19 – Dauphin County, Hamilton Health Center, Community Room, 110 S. 17th St., Harrisburg, PA 17104, 2:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M.
- May 24 – Philadelphia County, Drexel University, Bossone Engineering Building, 3rd Floor Atrium, 3126 Market St., Philadelphia, PA 19104, 10:00 A.M. to Noon
How to Comment on the Draft Plan
If you want to provide comment at a hearing, you must contact Abby Fox, Community Liaison, at (717) 783-6128 or StatePlanonAging@pa.gov to confirm your attendance. You will be allotted five minutes to provide your testimony. You are also required to submit a copy of your written testimony on the day of the public hearing you attend.
If you require auxiliary aids/services, please contact Abby Fox, Community Liaison, at (717) 783-6128 or StatePlanonAging@pa.gov, at least three business days in advance of the hearing you plan to attend.
If you are unable to attend in person, please submit your written comments by email to StatePlanonAging@pa.gov. All comments must be received by May 24, 2016. You may also submit your written comments by mail to:
Pennsylvania Department of Aging
Kelly O’Donnell, Director, Operations and Management Office
555 Market Street, 5th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17101